Houston Accounting Services

Reverse Merger Accounting Services in Houston

Private companies that lack the time and money to entertain an initial public offering (IPO) often consider a reverse merger. The process is generally less complex and less time-consuming than an initial public offering (IPO). With a traditional IPO, the process requires an investment bank to underwrite the shares of a company "going public." However, the reverse merger does not require this action.

In a reverse merger, a privately held company that desires to go public merges into a publicly traded company that has minimal assets and operations. The owners of the privately held company assume control of the public shell company through a share exchange.

While simpler than an IPO, the execution of reverse mergers greatly benefit from the skills of an experienced reverse merger accounting services financial consultant. The accountants at M&K CPAS, PLLC in Houston have extensive experience in reverse merger transactions and can assist your company in completing this transaction and provide any reverse merger accounting service you may need.

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